Our Future Direction

Children's Home Society of Washington wants to ensure children reach their full potential. We will create an integrated hub in each community that focuses on providing comprehensive services to children from birth to age 12. The hub provides a streamlined and cohesive support system for children and families to access various services that meet all their needs.

CHSW HUB outline (as of Mar. 2021).png

Our Strategic Initiatives

These strategic priorities set the direction of Children's Home Society of Washington for the next five years.

  1. Create statewide holistic service hubs to focus on supporting all phases of a child's life from birth to age 12.

  2. Reinforce organizational culture by continuing to invest in the professional and personal growth of staff and volunteers.

  3. Reclaim historical diversified income base by capitalizing on private funding and volunteer opportunities.

  4. Leverage and enhance our position as a lead and innovator (national, state, regional) in the field of child and family services

Our commitment

As a result of our work and partnerships, we are committed to: