Making WISe choices to overcome fear

As she stepped into the therapist’s office, 4-year-old Ruth* nervously glanced around the room, fluctuating between curiosity and fear. She and her parents had arrived at one of Children’s Home Society of Washington’s (CHSW) Family Resource Centers (FRC) to get Ruth support with her recent bouts of inexplicable anxiety, particularly around taking baths. While their initial counseling session was promising, at subsequent appointments, Ruth’s anxiety flared, eventually limiting her to virtual appointments only. Soon, she began experiencing panic attacks in public, and eventually, her distress became so intense that she couldn't even climb the stairs in her house or step foot in the bathroom. This was as confusing and tiring for her parents as it was for Ruth.

Over the course of several sessions, the CHSW therapist worked with Ruth's mom through the Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) counseling program to identify and build upon her strengths rather than simply address problems to craft a unique Eye Movement & Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) intervention, utilizing storytelling as a powerful tool. The narrative revolved around a young girl grappling with fear but ultimately discovering the path to safety, which Ruth connected to her own experiences.

At the next session, Ruth's mother shared a significant breakthrough. Unprompted, Ruth had expressed a desire to bathe. To this day, Ruth is still taking baths without her fear or anxiety returning. "I wasn't so sure about that (EDMR) approach,” said Ruth’s mom. “I had no idea how it would work, but then she asked for a bath, and I was shocked. It actually worked!"

The Family Resource Center Pathways model focuses on connecting families with the unique support they need to succeed in all aspects of life, to remain healthy, happy and together.  

CHSW partners with families so they are not alone, assessing their needs without judgment or stigma, providing a comprehensive path forward. Doing so disrupts instability, turmoil, generational poverty, and a mindset of crisis, before a more difficult crisis can occur. After all, families know what they need to achieve their goals and CHSW is here to support each unique journey as a partner in family success.

*Name changed for confidentiality

Kristen Conte is the director of marketing and communications for CHSW.